Friday, July 6, 2012

Week 1 of Training: 3 miles is progress towards 26.2?

Week 1 Schedule
Monday: 3 easy miles
Tuesday: 4 easy miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 2 mile tempo run + 1-2 mile WU/CD
Friday: XT 45 minutes
Saturday: 5 miles long
Sunday: XT 45 minutes

So I know that I said I'd post a review of training every single day. I know. And I honestly tried this week, except that every post came out sounding like "Today I ran 3 miles. It wasn't really difficult because I've been running 3-4 miles regularly for quite a while now. So... I'm training for the marathon! Officially! But... it doesn't really feel like it."

Riveting, right? As an avid reader of other blogs, I can say that posts like that bore me out of my mind. If I'M bored by that mundane info, why would I share it with my people? Brian has to be subjected to it regardless, so you can thank him for having to suffer for all of you.

On the bright side, training HAS been really easy this week.

Monday I ran the 3 miles on a treadmill at my gym in the evening. Tuesday morning I woke up and took the 4 mile run outside (yes-- my feet were pounding the pavement by 5am) and other than a little bit of soreness from running on uneven pavement, it felt great. Tomorrow is my long run of 5 miles, which I'm excited for because I can throw it around in conversations:

"Oh, what am I doing tomorrow? Just starting the day with my long run, because I'm training for a marathon you know, and then probably sitting by the pool, no big deal."

Alright, I'm not obnoxious enough to actually say that out loud, but I totally do in my head. And when the long runs start to hit the mileage range of 18-22 miles, I'm 100% letting anyone who will listen know that I will be conquering that. Because seriously? At that point? I'll need all of the encouragement that I can get.

Several of my coworkers are avid runners and a few of them have run multiple marathons, so it's been really nice to have their words of wisdom when I have moments of panic. They keep telling me that once the long run mileage gets really high that everything is just second nature and you push your body through it. I find that hard to believe, but I keep telling myself with training and patience I'll get there too.

Excitement for this week? We're heading to a running store so I can finally pick out a new pair of running shoes. Now THIS I am really excited to do. Not only is it semi-fun investing in running shoes (because truthfully, it's hard to realize how badly you need a pair until you slip your feet into new shoes after miles and miles have been put into the old ones), but they always ask what type of running you'll be doing-- beginner, short distances, speed training, long distances, etc. And because I've become a big running nerd, I'm really pumped to tell them that I need an awesome pair of shoes because they're taking me to run NYC!!

My fundraising has been going SO WELL and I could not possibly be more appreciative of all of the family, friends and coworkers who have already made donations towards my goal! As of now, I've raised $540 towards my $3000 goal-- I still have a long way to go but am slowly but surely getting there!

If you would like to make a contribution towards my fundraising, stop by my Boston Children's Hospital marathon website!

As always, thank you so much for your support and encouragement-- it means so much from each and every one of you!

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